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您当前的位置:首页 » 国内展会 » 2017第三届中国食材交易会暨广州国际餐饮食材展
发布时间:2017-07-04        浏览次数:90        返回列表
中国食材交易会    The 3rd China Food Material Trade Fair and
GOOD FOOD SHARING    Guangzhou International Catering & Ingredients Exhibition 2017

September 19-21, 2017丨China import and Export Fair Complex-GUANGZHOU


批准单位丨Approved by 中华人民共和国商务部丨Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

国家质量监督检验检疫总局丨General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

主办单位丨Hosted by 中国出入境检验检疫协会丨China Entry & Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association

中国饭店协会丨China Hotel Association

中国物流与采购联合会冷链物流专业委员会丨Cold Chain Logistics Professional Committee of CFLP 中国食品工业协会冷冻冷藏食品专业委员会丨Refrigerated and Frozen Foods Committee of China National Food Industry Association

中国航空运输协会航空食品分会丨China Air Catering Committee of CATA

承办单位丨Organized by 高登商业展览广州分公司丨Shanghai Golden Commercial Exhibition Co., Ltd Guangzhou Branch

协办单位丨Co-organized by

国家质检总局标准法规中心丨General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine-Standard Regulations Center 中国牛人俱乐部丨China Beef & Lamb Association

各地检验检疫局与检验检疫协会丨Local Inspection and Quarantine Bureaus; Local Inspection and Quarantine Associations 各地酒店与餐饮行业协会丨Local Hotels and Catering Industry Associations



2017 09月19日-21日 广州.琶洲

September 19-21, 2017

中国进出口商品交易会展馆丨China import and Export Fair Complex

展会概括 丨Exhibition Background

中国餐饮业已成为服务业领域中开放程度最深、产业规模最大、国际化程度最高、综合效益最好的业态之一。据相关数据显示;全国目前共有300余万家餐饮企业,2015年全国餐饮实现销售收入32310亿元,同比增长11.7%。在目前餐饮业转型创新的过程中,面向中国13亿人口大国的消费市场,约有8000亿的餐饮供应链市场60%集中在中国前十大城市。食在广州,广州酒店餐饮业历来在全国首屈一指,拥有一大批经历百年而不衰的老字号和新兴名店,传统和创新的名菜、名点、名小食、名风味食品不胜枚举。2015年广州市酒店餐饮企业83152家,实现零售额1003.39亿元,同比增长9.8%,行业规模首次突破千亿元大关,占全市社会消费品零售总额的12.65%,增速比2014年增加2个百分点,增速高于北京、上海等国内主要城市。广州这座拥有1350.11万人的国际化特大型城市,将吸引全国和世界各地更多的知名餐饮企业来广州落户,这将为餐饮食材供应企业的发展提供广阔空间。中国食材交易会暨上海国际餐饮食材展(简称:CFM ) 作为亚洲地区餐饮酒店供应链唯一专业采购盛会已在上海成功召开过两届,累计展出面积超过五万平米,展会共吸引来自国内外近数千家餐饮酒店供应链优秀供应商参展以及数十万名酒店餐饮供应链领域的专业买家参会。

Chinese Catering Industry has been one of the formats with the deepest opening level, the largest industry scale, the most internationalization and the best comprehensive benefits in service sector. According to the relevant data show that there are more than 3 million catering enterprises in China, sales revenue reached 3.231 trillion, with year-on-year growth of 11.7%. During the transformation and innovation of catering industry, facing the China consumption market with a population of 1. 3 billion, about 60% of 800 billion catering supplying chain is concentrated in China top ten cities. Eating in Guangzhou, Guangzhou hotel and catering industry always is second to none in China with a lot of old name-brand shops which after a hundred years without failure and emerging enterprises, traditional or innovative dishes, well-known snacks and , refreshments, flavor of food are too numerous to mention. In 2015, the number of Guangzhou hotel and catering enterprises reaches 83152, retail sales were

100.339 billion, with year-on-year growth of 9.8%, exceeded 100 billion for the first time, which occupied 12.65% rate in the consumption distribution gross amount of Guangzhou, growth increased 2% more than in 2014, growth faster than Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities. Guangzhou is an international megalopolis with a population of 13.5011 million, which will attract more famous catering enterprises at home and abroad to settle here. This will offer a broad space for the development of catering and ingredients l suppliers. China Food Material Trade Fair and Shanghai International Catering & Ingredients Exhibition (CMF) has successfully held two terms in Shanghai as the only professional catering and hotel supplier chain exhibition in Asia. The accumulated exhibition area reached more than 50,000 square meters, the exhibition attracted nearly a thousand of top supplier chain exhibitors and hundreds of thousands of professional buyers in the field of hotel and catering from domestic and foreign to participate in the event.

新的机遇 丨New Opportunity

鉴于广州强大的餐饮市场消费需求,本届CFM CHINA采购交易会的主办方中国饭店协会与高登商业将“中国食材交易会暨上海国际餐饮食材展”移师至广州-中国进出口商品交易会展馆召开,名称更改为“2017第三届中国食材交易会暨广州国际餐饮食材展”,时间定于2017年09月19日-21日。预计广州CFM CHINA2017采购交易会规模及观众数量同比有较大的提升,参展商数量同比增长80%,专业观众数量同比增长120%。展会将以依托强大的中国消费市场需求,在中国广州全力打造成亚太地区顶级影响力的酒店餐饮食材行业盛会,展会计划将在原有的基础上大幅度提升展会规模、档次及专业买家的邀请。该展会将是世界各国酒店餐饮食材企业交流学习、经贸洽谈、业务拓展、提升品牌的难得机遇。同时;希望该展会的举办能帮助国内外更多餐饮酒店供应链企业把握最新的创新形式、消费现状以及行业发展趋势并正确的确立企业发展战略决策。

Because of the strong consumer demand of catering market in Guangzhou, The 3rd China Food Material Trade Fair and Guangzhou International Catering & Ingredients Exhibition 2017 (CFM) will be held by China Hotel Association & Shanghai Golden Commercial Exhibition Co., Ltd. in China import and Export Fair Complex-GUANGZHOU on September19-21, 2017. And changed the name to”The 3rd China Food Material Trade Fair and Guangzhou International Catering & Ingredients Exhibition”instead of “The 3rd China Food Material Trade Fair and Shanghai International Catering & Ingredients Exhibition. It is estimated that the scale and visitors volume of CFM CHINA 2017 will be raised greatly from a year earlier, the number of exhibitor will grow by 80% and the number of professional audience will increase by 120% year on year. Relying on the high demand of the Chinese market, the exhibition held in Guangzhou will be shown as the most influential one in hotel and catering ingredients industry in the Asia-Pacific region. We will give a large rise in the scale, level and numbers of professional buyers on the existing basis. This exhibition will be a rare opportunity for hotel and catering enterprises from all over the world to communicate, trade negotiation, expand business and enhance brand. In the meantime, we hope to help more hotel and catering supplier chains to seize the newest innovation form, consumption condition and industry trends in order to make correct strategic decision.

 展出大类丨Major Exhibits


All kinds of meat, seafood, poultry, vegetables& fungus, fast food, condiments and related equipment.

 参展费用丨Participation Fees


国内企业:9800.00/展期(RMB) 3m×3m    国外企业: 4800.00/展期(USD) 3m×3m



国内企业:1000.00(RMB)/平方米/展期    国外企业: 480.00(USD)/平方米/展期


International Standard Booths:

For overseas enterprises: USD 4800/Expo; 3m×3m

Each standard booth consists of 3-sided white partitions, bilingual fascia board, 1 information counter, 2 folding chairs, fully-floored carpet, 2 arm spotlights, 1 220V/5A power socket and 1 wastebasket.

Indoor Raw Space:

For overseas enterprises: USD 480.00/Sq.m.

Note: The raw space (minimum 36 sq.m.) only supplies a show space excluding stand frames, show equipment, carpet and power supply, etc.


September 19-21, 2017丨China import and Export Fair Complex-GUANGZHOU

 同期活动 丨Concurrent Event

中国国际食品、肉类及水产品展(简称FMA CHINA)是经国家质检总局与国家商务部批准并给予支持的重要会展活动,作为中

国食品、肉类、水产品与乳品行业的专业国际贸易采购交易会与海外企业拓展中国市场的重要平台。FMA CHINA采购交易会已在中






China International Food, Meat and Aquatic Products Exhibition(FMA CHINA) is an important exhibition supporting by AQSIQ and state commerce bureau. It acts as a professional and international trade exhibition of food, meat, aquatic products and dairy products, as well as a vital platform for foreign companies to expand in China. FMA CHINA has been has successfully held two terms, the accumulated exhibition area reached more than 50,000 square meters, which attracted thousands of excellent suppliers in the fields of import food, meat, aquatic and dairy products from Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, America, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, etc., and more than 50,000 professional buyers in the field of food and beverage at home and abroad to participate in the fair. Along with the exhibition, the concurrent events included “International import & Export Food Policy, Laws and Regulations Summit”, “China-France Dairy Products Technological Exchange and Trade Seminar”, “Sino-Australian Livestock Trade, Laws and Regulation Seminar”, “Sino-French Beef Trade Conference”, “ The Aviation Food Hygiene Supervision and Quality Control Seminar”, “Shanghai Characteristics Catering Development & Innovation Forum”, “China Wolfberry Industry Development Forum”, “China import Food Testing”, “International Traveling Catering Buyer’s Presentation”, etc., which have raised a great concern from multiple international organizations and industry colleagues.

目标观众 丨Target Audience





International related organizations and associations, foreign institutions in China, International trade and commerce institutions in China, sourcing offices of international buyer in China, international trade and commerce institutions;

Industry organizations in the field of catering, institutions and enterprises; producers, importers, dealers, traders, retailers, experts and related media in the field of catering and ingredients, etc.

Catering investors and franchisees; hotel investors; financial institutions; commercial real estate developers; proprietors; property management agencies ; hotel operators; training institutions; hotel design firms, food material importers and dealers, etc.

E-commercial industry, catering & hotel Website Designers, professional buyers of these website, related medias